
Beyond Polarization
Every human being is infinitely more than the sum of his opinions and worldviews. These come and go and can change over time. However, if we are aware that we are the knowing and the space in which all opinions, thoughts and emotions occur, this is a huge step out of the polarization trap…

Diamonds and beyond
Being still, relaxed and having access to the state of spaciousness and timelessness are not only essential qualities for human intelligence but also skills for a meaningful life in today’s world, in which we are constantly bombarded with myriads of stimuli every day, every hour, everywhere.

TaKeTiNa goes mainstream
It is understandable that it has taken a long time for the mainstream media and other institutions to comprehend the completely new approach to rhythm that makes up the TaKeTiNa process. It took me years to craft this process, and then it took me and my associates many more years to demonstrate its effects and convey the message around the globe with workshops, concerts, lectures and trainings…

TaKeTiNa – the fascination of learning
When Rudolf Steiner was asked by a pupil what life really was, Steiner gave a remarkable answer, he said: “Study rhythm – rhythm is the basis of life!” In this sense, TaKeTiNa goes one step further.

The Space Experience
Rehearsing with a huge orchestra has its own rules! Even if something does not work out, there is literally no chance for rehearsing longer. Even five minutes longer would entail substantial financial consequences. So the pressure was really on!

Space beyond Space
Composing for orchestra and choir is always a fulfilling challenge and inspiration. Being on a quest for the most mysterious phenomenon in life and music makes it even more exciting…

TaKeTiNa & Kokoro Yoga
As I am flying back from my training course with Mark Divine and his crew in Encinitas, California, a big smile is on my face and a deep peace in my mind. I trained with Mark privately last summer and enrolled this year in his rigorous 200 hours Kokoro Yoga teacher training program. Mark also invited me to conduct a TaKeTiNa workshop with his crew of Seals and special operators.

TaKeTiNa is dancing with the dragon
The history and philosophy of ancient China is met on every corner of Beijing’s “Forbidden City”. It is also reflected in the attitude and ethics of many people I encountered during my first visit to China. “Supreme Harmony” and “Balance”, are values that can be easily understood. “Do nothing while you do everything” – a calligraphy that a very knowledgeable artist painted for me is a bit more mysterious and needs deeper introspection.

Exploring Space – Welcome!
Hi and welcome to my „power of rhythm“ blog. Thank you for joining! I am passionate to share with you the endless possibilities of how rhythm and life are interconnected and how we can use rhythm as a tool for inner development and self-mastery so we can be in service to other fellow humans.